Suicide is a scary thing isn’t it? My mom is a lecturer at MCC...and she sees cases of girls hanging themselves from the ceiling almost every year. And for such stupid reasons! Why would anyone push themselves that far? What could possibly be that bad? Seriously, the fact that you failed your exam, your boyfriend dumped you, or Hritik Roshan got married is NOT reason enough to take your own life!
Oddly enough, people’s hearts fill up with sympathy when they hear of suicide cases. I have no sympathy for them though. I don’t know if that makes me cold hearted or what...but I still don’t.
For one thing, it is a weak thing to do. It shows that you can’t handle your problems, and that you buckled under pressure. But more importantly, suicide is so insensitive. How can a person be so selfish and be completely unaware of who’s lives they affect by their actions?
Take this one girl for example...she was having an online relationship with this guy. After a month, he told her that he thought they should stop talking. A couple of weeks later, she hung herself. And without a thought of anyone else. Her parents were traumatised, her classmates were traumatised, and that guy must have died inside!
We need to be strong from within, and like someone told me, don’t give a damn and it can’t bother you. I hope that by seeing people like that girl, and how they affect those around them, we can have the strength not to be like them, and be the strength for those who are.
No sympathy for them though...what do you think?
Oddly enough, people’s hearts fill up with sympathy when they hear of suicide cases. I have no sympathy for them though. I don’t know if that makes me cold hearted or what...but I still don’t.
For one thing, it is a weak thing to do. It shows that you can’t handle your problems, and that you buckled under pressure. But more importantly, suicide is so insensitive. How can a person be so selfish and be completely unaware of who’s lives they affect by their actions?
Take this one girl for example...she was having an online relationship with this guy. After a month, he told her that he thought they should stop talking. A couple of weeks later, she hung herself. And without a thought of anyone else. Her parents were traumatised, her classmates were traumatised, and that guy must have died inside!
We need to be strong from within, and like someone told me, don’t give a damn and it can’t bother you. I hope that by seeing people like that girl, and how they affect those around them, we can have the strength not to be like them, and be the strength for those who are.
No sympathy for them though...what do you think?
At 10:43 pm, January 19, 2005,
Meghna said…
I don't think it requires courage at all. It's weakness that doesn't allow you to go that far is sadness or self-pity, and killing yourself is just an extreme way of running away from your problems - and leaving those close to you to clean up the mess.
Suicide is a selfish thing to do. And I think selfishness is a form of weakness. Only big people can think of others' pain before their own. And if they did, they wouldn't do something this reckless and stupid.
At 10:51 pm, January 19, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Okay... I completely agree with Meghna... There can be no situation that is so very terrible, that it requires a person to throw away life itself. Life is a gift... Its a challenge wrapped in shiny paper... There are so many joys, so many amazing aspects of life!!! How can a person (just 'cause her boyfriend dumped her) throw away such a gift??? Its pure stupidity!! Hrithik Roshan gets married... Its a choice he's taken in his life... Why would any sane woman give up her life for that??? Do they seriously think that killing themselves is going to make Hrithik Roshan divorce his wife??
We are all loved by so many people... Our parents, friends, family...the list goes on! How... seriously HOW can anyone just throw that away??? Just say my life's not worth living and hang yourself?? And for what?? The world won't stop revolving because you decide to commit suicide... And anyone who thinks it will is an extremely selfish person!
The reason we're all here, is to learn something... To walk along the road of life.. And yes, sometimes that road may have potholes... But you just have to learn to ignore them and look around at the more beautiful aspects of life... like the flowers and the sunshine!!!
Our social studies book has Gandhiji's talisman on the first page... I can't remember exactly how it goes but the jist is something like this:
"When you are in doubt or in trouble, and are wondering what action to take next... Think of whether what you are about to do, will help the hungry and starving millions and lead to ahimsa... Then you will find your doubt and your self melting away"
Seriously people who want to commit suicide... You've got to so stop being so selfish... and think for just one minute... is your life seriously worse than the life of a poverty-ridden person? Then... only then u could consider suicide... but until then....think about it!
At 4:29 am, January 20, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I notice that all your arguments - Nandini, Meghna, Anonymous - finding suicide an act of courage or not... all revolve around your own self. Are you to be the only point of reference? Is there to be no accountability to any other thing?
Even if you are unhappy, and life never becomes any better, is that reason enough to stop existing? The space you occupy on Earth affects many others in ways that you may or may not be conscious of. Even chance encounters may have made significant difference to lives you may never recognise. So what gives you the right to arbitrarily decide to terminate it?
At 8:47 pm, January 20, 2005,
Anonymous said…
this has nothing to do with the ongoing argument...but, what if the person is committing suicide BECAUSE he has no one to turn to? what if the source of his sadness is loneliness? what if he DOESN'T have a family?
just coz you are blessed with a loving and caring family and friends, does not mean that everyone else in the world is too!
take, for instance, the tsunami tragedy. if a person commits suicide in that situation- when he/she is the only survivor in the enrire family, with no one tto talk to, no home to go back to- then what do you think is selfish about it? then what do you say?
what say you, anonymous no.1?
At 9:27 pm, January 20, 2005,
Meghna said…
Hey, Anonymous no.2...who are you??
Anyway, good point. But you (and Nandini) do realise that I was only talking about suicide cases by college students, in our society...? Though I can understand how loneliness could drive you that far, I wish that people could have the strength to know that even without family they aren't alone. We have God's faith after all! (Hence the failure of atheism, Aveek!!)
At 11:28 pm, January 20, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Hi... this is Anonymous1 (or is it Anonymous2, since I came in later?)
With reference to the Tsunami victims - the point I made still holds. You do not know how and where your life could make a difference to someone else's. You cannot justify wanting to end your life because you are not the only one who can lay claim to it.
At 4:25 am, January 22, 2005,
Anonymous said…
omg! i'm just going to but in on this arguement here! Yes i am talking about personal feelings but also seeing fron the inside. Suicide is NOT weak. If you say it is you obviously have never suffered from real depression. Ever felt totally lonely? So scared you feel physically sick? Well, it is not a nice feeling.
If life is too hard, too complicated, then there is no point in continuing it, all i can beg is that you leave an explanation! If people ere haunted by the question 'Why?' then the giref will live on...
At 6:32 am, January 22, 2005,
Meghna said…
Wow...I have totally lost track of all the 'Anonymous'es...anyway, I see that this argument has a very valid opposition. I do want to point out however, that this post was written only in reference to those cases I have come our society. Though I do still believe that suicide is a weak and selfish act (the fact that it happens nonetheless is a separate matter - no one is denying that), I aknowledge the oppsing side of this argument.
I need to post something less depressing...
At 10:42 am, January 22, 2005,
Anonymous said…
mia..i disagree when u say suicide is an act of weakness!life is precious..its a gift,when a person close to you dies u feel the hurt and pain(alot believe me!)and that hurt doesnt leave but your able to move on and grow from it. imagine u contemplating taking your own life!alot more goes through your mind!if u go thru with it u know theres no coming back. it takes courage and alot of strength to go thru with it,to understand that ur life will end,to do something where you cant forseewhat will happen to your spirit or soul after ward!...your life is in your own hands and deciding to end it is possibly the biggest decision anyone can face!i agree that commiting suicide is wrong and ppl should try and face their problems but saying that suicide shows weakness is wrong in my opinion! take the case of the indian actress/model(cant remeber her name....her engagement was broken and she commited suicide).......yes i think it was a wrong decision BUT i also respect her because she had enough strenght to take her life..again im not saying what she did was right and yes her friends and family were extremely heartbroken but they will be able to move on..the hurt wont go away but it will be kept hidden deep in their mind and heart.that not to say it'll will never rear its head again!
At 8:22 pm, January 22, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Okay... I have to re-join!
Of course suicide is a weakness. Faced with two difficult options (dealing with a difficult and painful life, or braving the hetherto unknown death and after) the person choses death only because he/she thinks the unknown will be a better (and easier) option.
Also, are you guys aware that 90% suicides are attempts at attention seeking, and they didn't actually expect or want the suicide attempt to succeed?!?
- anonymous 3
At 8:55 pm, January 22, 2005,
Anonymous said…
90% suicides may be attention seeking acts, but we're talking about the other 10%.
At 1:27 am, January 23, 2005,
Meghna said…
Ananya...the one you were talking about is Nafisa Joseph. And believe me, some of her family members are my neighbours, and they were devastated. But with her death, they didn't give into grief and commit suicide too? She had fame, money and a loving family. She buckled under the smallest thing and gave in. You call that courage? You respect that? Then I have nothing to say...
Will you people get this!!!! I was talking about OUR society! Tsunami victims DON'T count! And even them, if we glamourised or justify the decision of those who chose to give up, then we are also denying the glory of those who chose to continue inspite of everything! I unserstand their pain and troubles, but stick b y my stand that an act as desperate as suicide indicates a weak spirit.
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