Rhythmic Rain...

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Fun fusion

Today would have been Vasanthhabba. So I am feeling a bit blah. I keep thinking about what I was doing exactly a year ago! There was so much excitement there around now last year. And then I think about what I am doing instead! It is just a wee bit depressing. But I guess I’ll be doing the whole thing again next year...

I did however; spend the evening at quite an interesting concert. Norway is celebrating there 100th year of independence, and in celebration, there was a concert of both western classical music and Indian classical music at Ambedkar Bhavan.

The evening started off with a couple of pieces of classical western music. Mozart and the like from Norway. The violinists were so skillful! I have never seen people with that much control over their instruments! There was also a segment of completely Indian music with L Balasubhramaniam and his son - that kid was adorable! I can’t believe a child that young could play as well as he did - and Sandeep Das on the Tabla! As usual, he was completely awesome! Our very own Grammy nominee (look at me...fond niece)! But he really was amazing! The various different percussionists were definitely the best part of the show!

Kavitha Krishnamurty was there to perform as well...and she sang two songs. She has an amazing voice. Such control over her scales...it’s scary to think about the amount of training behind that talent!

The finale was a big combination of the Norwegian violinists and the Indian musicians. It kind of seemed like the western musicians were background music to Kavitha Krishnamurthy, so that was kind of sad. It didn’t seem fair to put such talented and skilled musicians as a background to her voice. But all in all, it had a beautiful effect.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself! I suppose, in a little way, that evening of culture made up for Habba’s absence??


Thanks for organizing the passes Kaku!


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