Life Isn't Fair
Habba is off. Again. And it’s permanent this time. Last Sunday, Lynn called us for a ‘meeting’ at Nrityagram. We thought it would probably be to start off classes after the Christmas and new-year break. Turns out we were wrong…
The entire ensemble is going on a long tour all over the US. And by long, I mean seven months. So this meeting was to figure out what to do with our classes while they are away. Lots of things were discussed…but it boils down to once a week classes – in Nrityagram. Going there ONCE a month was hard enough! 9 am to 3 pm…the whole day gets taken up! And to do that once a week…well, let’s just say I’m not exactly doing spectacularly in school ANYway!
Another major change is that the last Vasanthahabba (the one in 2004) was literally THE last Habba. Apparently, Nrityagram have accomplished what they set out to do with Habba, and now there are different things to be done. So whatever form of Habba is going to take place will happen next year as “a new avatar” – during my board exams.
So at least till the end of 12th grade, dance is indefinitely on hold. It’s just so unfair. It was the last bit of excitement in my life. The ONE place left where I didn’t have to think about school, and exams and record books. NOW what?!
The entire ensemble is going on a long tour all over the US. And by long, I mean seven months. So this meeting was to figure out what to do with our classes while they are away. Lots of things were discussed…but it boils down to once a week classes – in Nrityagram. Going there ONCE a month was hard enough! 9 am to 3 pm…the whole day gets taken up! And to do that once a week…well, let’s just say I’m not exactly doing spectacularly in school ANYway!
Another major change is that the last Vasanthahabba (the one in 2004) was literally THE last Habba. Apparently, Nrityagram have accomplished what they set out to do with Habba, and now there are different things to be done. So whatever form of Habba is going to take place will happen next year as “a new avatar” – during my board exams.
So at least till the end of 12th grade, dance is indefinitely on hold. It’s just so unfair. It was the last bit of excitement in my life. The ONE place left where I didn’t have to think about school, and exams and record books. NOW what?!
At 11:16 am, January 24, 2006,
Ranjana said…
That is sooooooooo sad. Really, how can they just trash something that is called the 'Woodstock' of India. Thats so mean to art-lovers at large. Habba was this kind of landmark event which thousands used to wait for. I'm so stunned I dont even know what to say. I'm incapable of even feeling sad right now.
I greatly respect all those NG dancers, I literally worhsip them because they are inded great dancers, but Meghna, I don't really see the point of calling Nrityagram a gurukul if the Guru is away for seven months. Frankly, Nrityagram looks like a 'dance ensemble' and not a 'dance village' anymore. The focus is more on performance and less on training the next generation. Agreed, they have a ready repertory troupe, but imagine making ur student's dance education STOP for seven months !!!
About ur dance, pls do not give it up. I mean, continue somehow. These l'il bits of excitement in life are the only things that keep us alive. I know NG is not exactly close at 35 km away from BLR, but you could at least continue practising and probably training with someone else. I know what it feels like to be deprived of the only thing that is remotely interesting in life. I went through a really tough time academically after my parents stopped singing class. And believe me, its not like ur going to do better if u stop spending some time at dance class. Ull keep thinking abt that and it will end up affecting ur performance.
At 8:11 am, January 26, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Your passion for dance started before Nrityagram and will go on after it. Every time I see you dance, I sense something Divine. Your talent for dancing is a God-given gift. Don't trivialise it by talking about it in terms of travel, cbse, and other such mundane realities. Dance is part of your blood and you WILL find a way to keep it in your life!
At 3:55 am, February 04, 2006,
Axiomate said…
Visiting your blog after sucha long time... there is no fun if everything in your life is fair.
I've come up with my new blog.
Check it out.
Aveek's pal,remember?
At 10:26 am, February 04, 2006,
Ranjana said…
Hi Meghna ,
This is kinda loonnnnnggg, but that is what happens when I start off on Nrityagram !
As for loving Habba, when I've spent every waking and sleeping moment in three years dreaming of going to Nrityagram, even though I've never attended it, I know I love it a lot, which is why I will miss it too.
About Habba, well, I look at it this way - Habba is something that has created such a BIG impact. 40,000 people coming to watch an overnight extravaganza of Indian music and dance is AMAZING !! I've attended shows by artistes like Durga Charan Ranbir at ten in the night, part of a measly audience of 25 people. Surely there must be something keeping 40,000 people awake through the night. Something that drives them out of their usual mundane lives and makes them drive 35 km from BLR or fly down from other places just to attend Habba. When such a fest is at its pinnacle, I for one could not see the point of making it stop. Of course, as I've said earlier, I don't know their exact intentions and I'm sure they have perfectly valid reasons to do what they are doing, but I'm sure that Habba in what would have been its 16th or 17th year will still go a very long way in popularising Indian dance as a whole AMONG INDIAN RESIDENTS. Habba is not a festival, it is a landmark festival, conceptually a legend among art-lovers.
Yes, ur right when u say they are performing for art lovers and keeping Odissi alive. I'm very happy they do that too. It gives me great joy when they're on tour and I come across a news item which goes gaga about them and talks of the standing ovation they received at the end of a performance. True, they are one dance company which has made Indian dance more noticeable on a global platform. Although, I must add, it would be wonderful if we could see them perform more often in India.
Somewhere down the line, doesn't performance point towards creating a love for the art form and making more people go deeper into it? And doesn't dance education come into the picture at that point?
Performing is fine, but I personally feel they can do more about focusing on dance education too. Check out their website and try to interpret the steady decrease in the number of workshops held at NG. Again, I repeat, my personal views and I don't wish to be judgemental about this.
Nrityagram has exceptional facilities and the best of teachers, and they should make sure the world knows that. Indians and art lovers abroad know what ur talking about when u say Nrityagram, but in BLR itself, people have not heard of it. How? Why? Why do people pass up the opportunity to train with Nrityagram dancers and end up learning with half-baked and so-called 'Odissi Gurus' who can't even teach ten basic chowkas and tribhangis properly?
1) I'm sure a little more PR will go a long way here and help them popularise Odissi EDUCATION even more, and will only complement the interest in performances. It always pays to have a knowledgeable audience.
2) Nrityagram ROCKS BIGTIME, and we know that. Many others don't. They have managed to make their presence felt despite some colourful opposition. They will be an epoch-making institution and can and will go a long way with the right balance of education and performance.
At 6:32 am, February 05, 2006,
Meghna said…
Wow...lot's to respond to. Ok here goes...
Ranjana - Yes. Habba being cancelled and my classes stopping is sad. We've established that. Having said that, you have no idea of the complications Nrityagram has to face here. Heck, I don't even know! So while you are entitled to your opinion, I still say that you have no right to say what you are saying...talking about their methods, and what they should or should not be doing, sitting SO far away, and really having NO idea what the complications here are. Also, the reason that there are more performaces abroad, is probably because they get a better audience abraod! EVEN for Habba, any idea the percentage of the audience that is firangi? Being idealistic is all well and good, when it isn't so hard to survive!
Anonymous - wow! Thanks! It's very far from the truth, but thank you nonetheless!!
Rahul - hey! Long time! Will visit your blog soon!
Sars - Hope your right! I'm afraid if I put it on hold, I'll never get back to it...! I'll try though!!
At 9:13 am, February 05, 2006,
Ranjana said…
I don't think we see eye to eye on this issue. Anyway, I am fiercely opinionated about most issue and I do end up saying a few earth-shattering things. I understand you will find me a bit too open mouthed and the things I have said are quite incriminating, but I stand by them, while reiterating that I have the greatest respect for Nrityagram and its inmates.
Being idealistic is all well and good, when it isn't so hard to survive! Very true. Then they should stop putting on a front of idealism with those bombastic lines on their website. You are privileged to be learning there and have a different view of them, but for me and the rest of their well wishers of them, Nrityagram is the face it shows to the world.
By the way, if Habba 2007 is gonna happen after all, its going to be AMAZING !!! I'm just praying for it to come true.
At 9:21 am, February 05, 2006,
Meghna said…
You're right. We don't. And I think furthur discussion of this will only lead to ONE of us getting really annoyed. So I'm just going to drop it here.
At 9:53 am, February 05, 2006,
Ranjana said…
Ok, as u wish :)
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