Rhythmic Rain...

Saturday, December 31, 2005

Amchi Mumbai

I just got back from a week long holiday in Bombay! Despite the fact that it was time i should have spent studying, it was THE best way to not study EVER!

The city is SO different from Bangalore! The city itself is ancient, but the beautiful old buildings are contrasted by the most staggering high rise hotels, apartments and offices in the background! There is no way anyone could mistake those roads for Bangalore ones! Bombay is also so much larger than Bangalore!

- Meeting Arjun and Jai. The two most adorable 22-month-olds EVER! So cuteā€¦ I loved seeing a baby prefer me to his dad! ;)
- Watching sunset on the PDP beach! The fog was so think that the sun literally disappeared before it set, but still! It was awesome!
- Waking up in the morning to see only water from the hotel room window. Felt like a dream; that view!

All in all, an awesome holiday!! Had a blast! How was your vacation?


  • At 3:33 am, January 01, 2006, Blogger Ranjana said…

    Damn cool, u were in Bbay. Isn't it a WONDERFUL place to be in....and u seem to have falen in love with the beaches. Well, ive lived here all my life and im still not bored of them . I totally agree with u when u go gaga over them. they may be no Phuket, but they're just majestic and amazing.
    Everything is so diff and contrasting in Bbay, every sec brings out sumthng new. I love it and wouldn't leave it for any other city.

    Bombay rocks !!!


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