Rhythmic Rain...

Friday, July 29, 2005

Making A Mark

People come and people go like ripples in a stream. They make their mark, go away – and their traces don’t last too long. Or at least, that’s how it is according to John V. Politis. Personally, I think that’s a sad outlook to life…

Today was Sister Jesuina’s last day in college as Principal. She has been Principal of MCC for 5 years. Somehow, Sister has this wonderful ability to get close on a very personal level to her students and lecturers. She has always had the time to give me and Tushar a sweet each, or introduce us to the latest feline or canine entrant to the college.

The most striking thing about her is her genuine concern for other people, and how she engages with other people’s pain. One would expect a nun to be like that, but with her…it’s different – a little bit more! She has engaged so much with my family over the last few years. Praying for my grandfather when he was fighting cancer, praying for my other grandfather even today, not to mention praying for ME before every exam I took last year! And she even passed it on to other nuns! My mom had Sisters she had never spoken to coming up to her and saying “Today was your daughter’s math exam right? We prayed for her math paper to go well this morning!” Her involvement extends to THAT level.

In my mind I never thought she would be Principal forever. But somehow, this refuses to hit me. I don’t even study at MCC, but I think that's why it bothers me more. I thought she would be around to see me leave, rather than the other way around! Her silent and loving ways leave a mark in the hearts of everyone who knows her, and even though she is a ripple moving towards the end of this stream, her traces will stay forever.

People are not meant to just come and go. They come into our lives to make a mark - and whether negative or positive, they will make it. No offence intended Mr. Politis, but you are WRONG.

Monday, July 11, 2005

Shakespearean Comedy

My life story would have made the perfect Shakespearean comedy. Do you remember “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”? There are four characters in the play – two men and two women - who constantly fall in love with each other, and there is always something/somebody complicating the situation. Think of me as Character 5, who is not really getting involved in the situation, but somehow ends up altering it simply by being there!

I have been informed of at least 4 guys that I am dating, considering dating, or crushing on in the last 2 weeks, by 3 completely different parties in my life. This would be normal for most teenagers, except that in my case, to make it a bigger Comedy of Errors, I NEVER KNOW about any of my alleged romances! There must be a clone of me going around who asks random guys to movies and asks out other people’s boyfriends. Why am I always getting paired up with SOMEONE?! What are people trying to do?! Tame the Shrew?!

All you people out there who talk about who likes who when where and why…don’t make so Much Ado About Nothing, and we’ll go ahead and handle our lives As We Like It!

As for you people who get discussed as much as I do, remember truth always prevails - All’s Well That Ends Well! Or at least, that’s what I keep telling myself. As far as I’m concerned, I am seriously considering officially hiring Sucheta to keep me updated on my relationship status. Trying to keep track myself is pretty much A Midsummer Nightmare.