Another Milestone...!
Graduation night was awesome…! Everyone looked amazing – somehow, on grad night, everyone always does.
Two years have flown by. Two years I spent with a bunch of crazy people. People who have made me laugh, made me cry, bugged the hell out of me, pulled my leg, had their legs pulled by me…but most importantly, people who have given me two years of memories worth a lifetime. We had it all --> from the biggest brains to our less intelligent moments. From gossip, politics, drug dealers, blood tests, secret smiles across the class, water fights and pranks to talks of crow and frog genders!
I wish I had known two years would fly by this quickly. I’d have taken more trouble to know each of you better, get over little irritations faster, and be less like myself; reserved, thinking there is always more time!
But we had fun huh?? In all our madness, clashes and insanity…!
Congratulations class of 2007!! Will miss you guys!