Rhythmic Rain...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Sadistic Pleasure

Dentists are the world’s biggest sadists.

I have always had an irrational fear of dentists, and was completely freaked when I found out a needed root canal. The day before my birthday, I was going to, for the first time in my life, have anaesthesia in my mouth! It wasn’t even the root canal, just a filling…but I was completely freaking out.

Let me tell you one thing. The injection hurts a little bit, but that’s it. The actual procedure wasn’t so bad. In retrospect.

What was sadistic you ask? The complete lack of dignity in the whole thing! I was horizontal…my mouth wide open…with one guy drilling on a tooth, and two other people WATCHING. I’m not scientific enough to be comfortable with such rapt medical interest, and am at a loss to understand where any other interest could possibly lie in the interior of my mouth.

The absolute limit was when this dentist – who personally, I’m sure, is a perfectly nice human being – starts HUMMING! While the drilling was still going on! I mean, for God’s sake!

The anaesthesia numbed the entire left side of my face, including my tongue…which felt five times larger than always. My mom was making jokes about how I couldn’t say the alphabet. And amidst all this, the guy looks at me and says “Have a nice day! See you on Thursday for the next session!” Smiling. And when I got there on that Thursday, the owner of the clinic says “Back again, are we? You’re really beginning to enjoy this huh?”

Argh. Sadists.

This is for them!

  • This Is Going To Hurt Just A Little Bit - A poem by Ogden Nash